huvleview is the service that combines Huvle Notification-bar and Huvle Mobile web browser which are the external area of In-app.
Make stable and high extra revenue by maintaining In-app revenue through huvleview service.
huvleview notification-bar service can be customized according to the app's characteristics, user patterns, and propensity.
It will make users to access app service easily and use app more frequently.
In addition, users can freely use the huvleview service through the on/off function and the Approval window.
huvleview Browser provides search engines and customized contents
by analyzing users’ device usage patterns and interests.
In addition, with leading medias, it provides high-quality content for each category,
such as news, entertainment, and sports.
huvleview Browser is a global browser that provides a total of 5 versions
in Korea, English countries, Latin America, Japan, and Vietnam.
Each version of the browser is set based on device’s language and provides suitable contents for each country.
Huvle keeps trying to support more and more countries.
With natural ad exposure in between huvleview mobile browser content, we decrease users’ repulsion on ads.
In addition, by exposing ads customized by users’ interests and usage patterns, we provide efficient ad performance to advertisers and extra ad revenue to app companies.
huvleview always prioritizes the growth of partnered apps.
Currently, we provide services to over 180 global apps.
By partnering with more than 30 leading domestic and foreign Ad Network/SSP/DSP
huvleview ensures a stable supply of ads and high advertising effectiveness.
With a simple integration process, we have increased revenue and there have been no issues with huvleview service. Therefore, we have been working with huvleview for over 4 years and we provide our service with huvleview globally.
We had been worried about the way to increase revenue from app advertising. However, since we started to work with huvleview, we are fully satisfied with increased revenue without any claims from users.
I am really satisfied because I can make more revenue from huvleview than In-app ads that I used to use.
I have made extra revenue from huvleview besides revenue from in-app ads.
From this extra revenue, I have been reduced cost of app marketing.
We are working with numerous app companies besides these apps
Increasing profits
Simple Update
Lightweight library
We support a simple SDK integration and a sample app which helps you understand.
It is a simple process and takes around 20~30mins.
Make extra revenue and stable app operation with huvleview!